You can create a 'Then & Now' photo by uploading a 'Then' photo and a 'Now' photo. For example a photo of your son at five, and at his graduation. Or a couple's wedding photo, and an Anniversary photo. You select and upload the two photos, and they are merged into one. They can be aligned vertically or horizontally, as shown below.
To upload a 'Then & Now' photo:
- Click/tap the add '+' button to post, and click/tap the 'Then & Now' button.
- Click to select a horizontal or vertical alignment.
- Click the 'Then-Upload' button and select a photo.
- Edit the photo with ratio, rotate and crop tools, and click 'Done'.
- Click the 'Now-Upload' button and select a photo, and edit as above.
- Enter a caption and click 'Post'.