Features & Functions
- How do I edit the Event Details?
- How do I navigate on my Event's page?
- Move from 'Event Details' to 'Events' page
- What are Event Managers?
- How many types of posts can guests upload?
- How do I log out?
- Can I print a flyer with my Event's QR code?
- How can a Host receive support help?
- Customize photos posted with a Message
- How do I edit the Button Links?
- Multi-Event feature: Use a single QR code to access Multiple Events
- What are ‘My Events’, ‘Joined Events’ and 'Public Events'?
- What is 'Require Access Passcode'?
- What is a 'Then & Now' photo?
- Setup a Scavenger Hunt in LiveShare
- What is a Sponsor Post?
- What is a KeepSake Message?
- How do I view a KeepSake message?
- What is the 'Movie Editor'?
- Can I approve photos, before they're displayed in the gallery?