No, the requirement to login depends on the Event's plan.
- All guests with access to a LiveShare Event can view photos without logging in.
- When a guest selects to upload a photo a new menu popup is displayed. If the menu includes a 'Continue as Guest' button see the 'Premium & Premium Plus' sections below. If it doesn't, see the 'Trial & Standard Plan' section.
Trial & Standard Plans
- For the Trial and Standard plans, guests are required to create a LiveShare account, and login as a guest to your Event.
- Guests can click here, to create a free account (
- On the Trial and Standard plans, the 'Continue as Guest' option is not displayed.
Premium & Premium Plus Plans
- For the Premium and Premium Plus plans, guests don't need to login to upload photos. However a window will pop up and they'll need to click on 'Continue as Guest', as shown below. They will be prompted to enter a name. This is not a login, any name can be entered (e.g. Uncle Bob).
Steps for a Premium or Premium Plus guest to upload a photo:
- Click the add '+' button at the bottom of the screen, then the Photos' button.
- Click the 'Continue as Guest' button, and in the new popup enter a name (e.g. Sam).
- Click 'Post Photo' and select the photo to upload. Add a caption and/or click 'Post'.